Entrepreneur / Father / Inventor / eXperience Architect. Artist by the name Jun Rivers.
Taoist Leader with multi-culture background,
Media Artist with Architecture expertise,
Software Product Engineer (GIS, BIM, 3D) with a global perspective.
Systematic, holistic thinking applied across scales and medium; Adaptive, innovative & communicative craftsman of form and code alike.
Raised in Hong Kong, China.
Lived in the US, Japan, Switzerland, Germany, and Tanzania.
Speaks Cantonese, Mandarin, English, Japanese, a bit of German, and enough Swahili to understand Lion King to a whole new level :-)
Persistently idealistic; industriously pragmatic.
Harvard Graduate in Architecture, UCLA in Design | Media Arts. Ex-Urban Design Software Engineer at Esri Inc., California.
Multi-international-design awards recipient.
Co-founder + CEO of wellness-tech start-up EXP, creator of capsule hotel SLEEEP in Hong Kong, Japanese campervan FUUUN; Actively creating a wellness-living network spanning Hong Kong + Japan + Thailand that synthesises personal wellness with the common good.