EXP. Co-Onsen is a private villa nestled at the border of Atami and Yugawara, towns cherished by Japan’s literary greats. Surrounded by a thoughtfully designed Japanese garden by renowned landscape architect Michio Tase, the villa—spanning over a thousand square meters—offers a tranquil retreat where every element, from the pond to the slopes, harmonizes to create a natural, unpretentious beauty. As The Writer’s Haven, EXP. Co-Onsen serves as a sanctuary for creativity, with a mission to catalyze 'Language Beyond Borders' (しを超える言葉へ). It is a place where words transcend boundaries, inspiring writers, thinkers, and creators to explore new expressions, free from limitations. Here, solitude and connection blend seamlessly, offering the perfect setting for reflection, inspiration, and creative breakthroughs. The villa features two private onsens and a sauna, inviting guests to unwind under the starry sky or amidst the peaceful garden. Inside, modern amenities complement traditional aesthetics, with a state-of-the-art kitchen, accommodations for up to 12 guests, radiant floor heating, and a phone booth for remote meetings. The space is also adorned with works from renowned artists Totoki Takayoshi and Shohi Watanabe, adding depth and artistic inspiration to the experience. At EXP. Co-Onsen, guests can retreat from the outside world, rediscover their voice, and connect with nature, themselves, and each other. Whether seeking quiet solitude or meaningful moments with loved ones, this serene villa fosters a unique environment where creativity flourishes, and language knows no borders.
Co-Onsen 是一座私人別墅,位於熱海和湯河原的交界處。在此背景下,Co-Onsen 擁有兩個私人溫泉(一個木制,一個石制)、一個私人桑拿房、一個先進的廚房、一個用於遠程會議的電話亭、核心部分的地板輻射供暖系統以及最多可容納 12 人的睡眠空間(2 張床,共 12 個被褥)。 房屋周圍是一個前衛的日式花園,由著名景觀建築師 Michio Tase 設計,從池塘到山坡,每個物種都考慮到了平衡與和諧,匯聚成一個不矯揉造作的自然花園。
Co-Onsenは、熱海と湯河原のちょうど境目に位置するプライベートな別荘です。木造と石造りの2つの自家源泉、プライベートサウナ、最新鋭のキッチン、遠隔会議用の電話ボックス、輻射熱床暖房を中心に、最大12名(ベッド2台、布団12組)の就寝スペースを備えている。 池から斜面まで、あらゆる樹種のバランスと調和を考慮し、気取らない自然な庭にまとめられたこの家は、著名な造園家、田瀬理夫氏によってデザインされた前衛的な日本庭園に囲まれている。