What is exp.?

exp.–the common root for experience, exploration, expression, &experimenT
–Is the foundation
of our inside-out philosophy.

It embodies the essence that every change we wish to see in this world, begins with our own experience.



We Call that


In a Nutshell

EXP.ism is an 'inside-out' philosophy focusing on the fundamental alignment of individual desires and the common goods, woven together in such a way that, over time, borders shall be dissolved and all lives be free.



Close Relations

“The living truth is more far-reaching than the national, cultural, or religious boundaries or interpretations of that one truth. We may emphasize the universal principles of most religions, and accept others in an inclusive manner.”

“Less, but better, is difficult to practice consistently because it requires us to make choices. But with this hard work, we shall reap the fruits of greater happiness, more freedom, and a cleaner environment for all.”

“To see that humans are but a part of the environment we experience (albeit a rather influential one), and to come to admit that mother nature influences us so profoundly and unapologetically is a humbling realization: One that gives us the orientation and courage not to 'protect' but to 'live in accordance with' nature”

WhY exp.?

Because we believe that

Everyone is Powerful

One may not be a policy maker or a billionaire, but everyone reading this right now has been given the greatest power of nature: Life.
With that, we are tasked with the life-long quest to choose how we want to live our lives.
EXP. is an inside-out movement,  gathering thinkers and doers who choose to unite rather than divide, rise rather than conform, change rather than complain.

EXP. is an experimental platform completely open to share and exchange. We believe professional disciplines, national borders, even religious doctrines are but temporary human constructs; while the search for universal truth / ethics / beauty is the journey of a life-time.

Dissolving the borders
that separate us.

EXP. is a philosophy, a movement,
a conscious way of life,
expressed through


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Travel Experience

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Design Service

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Non-profit Education

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XThe expanding Circle of Influence