Space-time management Systems
自動化 CRM
+自動 CRM
For owners, managers, and solopreneurs:
For owners, managers, and solopreneurs:
For owners, managers, and solopreneurs:
Do you manage any underutilized resources? I bet you do: be that a space, your time, equipment, or even a city full of untold stories... Don’t you want to unleash the potential value of the resources that you already have?
EXP.OS is a platform of travel technology solutions that bridges physical spaces with digital user interfaces to unleash the potential of underutilized real estate, human capital, cultural and historical resources. EXP.OS comes in 3 modules, including: CORE, R.E.M., and ARtefacts.
Do you manage any underutilized resources: be that a space, your time, equipment, or even a city full of untold stories?
Don’t you want to unleash the potential value of the resources that you already have?
EXP.OS is a suite of travel technology solutions that bridges physical spaces with digital user interfaces to unleash the potential of underutilized real estate, human capital, cultural and historical resources. EXP.OS comes in 3 modules, including:
Do you manage any underutilized resources: be that a space, your time, equipment, or even a city full of untold stories?
Don’t you want to unleash the potential value of the resources that you already have?
EXP.OS is a suite of travel technology solutions that bridges physical spaces with digital user interfaces to unleash the potential of underutilized real estate, human capital, cultural and historical resources. EXP.OS comes in 3 modules, including:
Why use EXP.OS?
Fully Utilise Your Resources
With our cloud-based system integrated with our proprietary or off-the-shelf integration ready IoT locks, you could access, monitor and fulfil your bookings from anywhere, anytime. The real-time dashboard gives you perfect transparency, event-based notifications sent to Slack keeps you informed, and the responsive UI allows you to operate your business with just a tablet.
Delight and Retain your customers
EXP.OS is built for operators, by operators. Our bespoke database architecture allows you to dynamically and flexibly configure your spaces and specialists for different time.
The open integration framework also
See your business(es) at a glance
Our system supports csv export for both the reservation as well as guest data for your managed spaces / services. Our real-time dashboard also allows you to spot trends in your operation so you could do timely adjustments.
Why use EXP.OS?
Pre-paid flexible Bookings
With our cloud-based system integrated with our proprietary or off-the-shelf integration ready IoT locks, you could access, monitor and fulfil your bookings from anywhere, anytime. The real-time dashboard gives you perfect transparency, event-based notifications sent to Slack keeps you informed, and the responsive UI allows you to operate your business with just a tablet.
Build up your clients profile
EXP.OS is built for operators, by operators. Our bespoke database architecture allows you to dynamically and flexibly configure your spaces and specialists for different time.
The open integration framework also
Google Calendar Integration
Our system supports csv export for both the reservation as well as guest data for your managed spaces / services. Our real-time dashboard also allows you to spot trends in your operation so you could do timely adjustments.

A Suite of Solutions

- Real-time inventory optimisationリアルタイム在庫最適化實時優化庫存
- Manage by-the-minute bookings分刻みの予約管理管理每分鐘的預訂
- Beautiful booking engine位置情報ダッシュボード基於位置的儀表板
- Exportable CRM位置情報ダッシュボード基於位置的儀表板