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All-inclusive Capsule Co-living 中環中心地點 全包式胶囊共居 香港中環中心地 ミニマリスト カプセル ホテル


SLEEEP Central-Hub – Experience the New Era of Co-living in Sheung Wan Welcome to SLEEEP Central-Hub, a brand-new co-living space located just a 3-minute walk from Sheung Wan MTR Station. Situated in the heart of Hong Kong Island, you'll immerse yourself in the vibrant energy of the city. Whether you prioritize a restful sleep or seek connections with fellow residents, SLEEEP Central-Hub caters to your needs. We offer comfortable shared spaces, including a basic kitchen located on the second floor, allowing you to easily prepare meals. Additionally, we provide high-speed internet, utilities, storage space, and regular cleaning services, ensuring a convenient and pleasant living experience.

SLEEEP Central-Hub – 上環中心的共居新體驗 歡迎來到SLEEEP Central-Hub,這是一個全新的共居空間,距離上環地鐵站僅有3分鐘步行路程。位於香港島的中心地帶,您將盡情感受城市的活力與靈動。無論您是專注於美好睡眠還是希望與其他住客互動,SLEEEP Central-Hub將滿足您的期待。 我們提供舒適的共享空間,包括位於二樓的基本廚房,讓您能輕鬆烹飪。此外,我們還提供高速互聯網、水電供應、儲物空間以及定期清潔服務等便利設施,確保您有一個方便愉快的居住體驗。

SLEEEP Central-Hub(スリープ セントラルハブ)- 上環での共同生活の新しい体験 SLEEEP Central-Hubへようこそ。上環駅から徒歩3分の場所に位置する、全く新しい共同生活のスペースです。香港島の中心部に位置し、都会の活気と魅力を存分に感じることができます。心地よい睡眠を重視する方も、他の住民との交流を求める方も、SLEEEP Central-Hubはあなたのニーズにお応えします。 当施設では、快適な共有スペースを提供しています。2階には基本的なキッチンも備えており、簡単に食事の準備ができます。さらに、高速インターネット、水道・電気、収納スペース、定期的な清掃サービスなど、快適で便利な生活環境を整えています。 SLEEEP Central-Hubで、香港の魅力を存分に堪能しながら、共同生活の新たなエンカウンターを体験してください。

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The place to go for a power nap or good night’s sleep in Hong Kong

Wilfred Au

I've just moved in for a day. It feels like Sleper has more complete facilities than other locations and is more suitable for long-term living.

Petming “Petming” Ho

I was a little afraid that this treasured place would be discovered, and although I encountered it in its less-than-perfect form, I could still imagine its appeal when it was perfect. This is a great idea. SLEEEP achieves an almost perfect harmony between shared space and private space through partitioning. If you have nowhere to go, choose here, you won't be alone here.


You are able to personalize your bed to provide a more comfortable sleeping experience:

Pillow Type
Background Sound
Air Flow


Customize to your need

You will receive a smart locker when you check-in to keep your things safe and sound.


Keep your things safe

Enjoy a hot shower to get refreshed. We provide high quality shower amenities and dyson dryers.


Relax and Refresh

Sliding curtains do not give sufficient sense of privacy; roller blinds are noisy and disturbing. Hence, we have invented a magnetic felt curtain that gives edge to edge coverage, full black out, lock mechanism and quiet operation all-in-one.


Make it Private

The light alarm imitates the sun rise, coming in slowly, with increasing intensity and blue spectrum light. Respecting our evolutionary traits, this alarm is the most natural way of waking up.The cycle continues to increase in frequency until the user wakes up.

Light alarm

Wake you gently

Once you book a slot online and pre-check-in, you will receive their ‘QR-key’ prior to your arrival. The key is only activated within 15 mins from the booking start time.

24/7 check-in

Smart Access


Flexible Time. Affordable Quality. Minimalist Design.



Capsule Napping (Monthly)

Capsule Napping (Monthly)



A mixed 8-bed dormitory room with locker and shower facilities. Red-Dot Award-winning Capsules designed for good sleep. Short duration perfect for power nap during lunch / tea break for professionals.



1280 HKD / month

1280 HKD / 月

1280 HKD / 月

1280 HKD / month

ROOOM® Capsule Co-Living (Monthly)

ROOOM® Capsule Co-Living (Monthly)



Located in the central area of Mid-Levels, with walking distance to work and access to a shared workspace, high-end shower facilities, private sleeping pods with personal storage lockers, and free laundry machines. Embrace a minimalist lifestyle while making new friends from all over the world. This co-living space, called "NapLab", is designed for young people who come to work in Hong Kong with just a suitcase or who want more freedom from living in remote areas.



9pm to 9am - 4700 HKD / month

24/7 All-Yours - 5700 HKD / month

晚九朝九 - 4700 HKD / 月

24/7全日制 - 5700 HKD / 月

夜9時から朝9時まで - 4700 HKD / 月

24時間体制 - 5700 HKD / 月

Starting from 5700 HKD / mo

SLPer® Capsule Co-Living (Monthly)

SLPer® Capsule Co-Living (Monthly)



Located in the central area of Mid-Levels, with walking distance to work and access to a shared workspace, high-end shower facilities, private sleeping pods with personal storage lockers, and free laundry machines. Embrace a minimalist lifestyle while making new friends from all over the world. This co-living space, called "NapLab", is designed for young people who come to work in Hong Kong with just a suitcase or who want more freedom from living in remote areas.



9pm to 9am - 4700 HKD / month

24/7 All-Yours - 5700 HKD / month

晚九朝九 - 4700 HKD / 月

24/7全日制 - 5700 HKD / 月

夜9時から朝9時まで - 4700 HKD / 月

24/7 貸切 - 5700 HKD / 月

Starting from 4700 HKD / mo.


香港中環 永和街 31 號

香港上環 永和街31番地

Open in Google Map 於 Google Map 開啟
開啟Google Map で開く

Frequently Asked Questionsよくある質問常見問題

What daily necessities do we provide?



We will provide clean towels, cleanser, toner, body wash, shampoo, hair dryer and feminine capsules provide sanitary napkins. If you need a toothbrush or earplugs, you can purchase them in the add-on to your order. 我們將提供乾淨的毛巾、潔面乳、爽膚水、沐浴露、洗髮水、吹風機和女性膠囊提供衛生巾。如果您需要牙刷或耳塞,可以在下單時加購。 清潔なタオル、クレンジング剤、化粧水、ボディソープ、シャンプー、ヘアドライヤーを提供し、女性用カプセルには生理用ナプキンが備わっています。歯ブラシや耳栓が必要な場合は、オプションで注文することができます。

How many capsules does SLEEEP | HKG.Central have?

SLEEEP | HKG.Central 有多少個膠囊?

SLEEEP|HKG.Central では、何カプセルありますか?

SLEEEP | HKG.Central have 6 SLPer® capsules and 3 ROOOM capsules. SLEEEP | HKG.Central 擁有6個SLPer®膠囊和3個ROOOM膠囊。 SLEEEP | HKG.CentralにはSLPer®カプセルが6つ、ROOOMカプセルが3つあります。

If I have a multi-night booking, may I keep my things in my locker throughout my stay?



Of course, you are welcome to keep your belongings in your assigned locker throughout your stay. 當然,我們歡迎你在整個逗留期間將你的物品放在指定的儲物櫃里。 もちろん、ご滞在中はご自分の荷物を指定されたロッカーに保管しておくことも可能です。

What is XO?



XO stands for eXperience Officers. It is the special title we have defined for our team members who collaborative creates and operates the EXP.is. To learn more, please visit the Glossary page for XO. XO是eXperience Officers的縮寫。它是我們為合作創建和運營EXP.is的團隊成員定義的特殊頭銜。要瞭解更多信息,請訪問XO的詞彙表頁面。 XOとは、eXperience Officersの略称です。 EXP.isの制作・運営を一緒に行うメンバーに定義された特別な称号です。 詳しくは、XOの用語解説ページをご覧ください。