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Minimalist Capsule Hotel at the base of Mt. Fuji 富士山腳下的極簡主義膠囊酒店 富士山麓のミニマムカプセルホテル


Perfect place to stay for sightseeing in Shizuoka and climbing Fuji Mountain.



SLEEEP, an original award-winning brand from Hong Kong, has opened at the foot of Mt. Fujinomiya Station, the facility is a two-minute walk from the station and features a state-of-the-art IoT capsule, designed to provide travellers with a quality dream journey. The experience is a project that expresses our '- EXP.-' values of minimalism (quality over quantity), universalism (global awareness) and environmentalism (sustainable co-existence).

香港発のオリジナルアワード受賞ブランド「SLEEEP」が富士山の麓にオープン。富士宮駅から徒歩2分の場所にあるこの施設は、最先端のIoTカプセルを備えており、宿泊者様に上質な夢の旅を提供するためにデザインされています。この体験はミニマリズム(量より質)、ユニバーサリズム(世界共通意識)、環境主義(サステイナブルな共生)という私たち「– EXP. –」の価値観を表現するプロジェクトです。


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Modern: a capsule hotel to make once in its life and especially in Japan.

Janick Graells

Exceptional service! Highly recommend staying at this hostel.

Peter Khlopenkov

Super close to Fuji. Really friendly hosts. Best sleep I've had in ages.

Harry Williams

Next-level hostel stay with superb sleeping pods; You control the lighting mood, alarm, music & ventilation through your phone. It was so cool and the music options are super. The location is 10/10, 2 mins walk to train and bus station. The staff, Yogesh, was very friendly and helpful and the owner Jun, who is an architect gave great recommendations of local places to visit. Both of them gave out positive vibes; You can feel that they are good and sincere people. Its the best hostel I’ve stayed during my 5 week travel in Japan. Fujinomiya is such a great place to base yourself, and SLEEEP will be your best option. Highly recommend.


Very convenient location right next to the station. Stylish minimalistic decorations and very much recommended for backpackers.

-Wesley Chow

Cozy place to stay.
The personal capsule is so cool and the staff is nice and hospitable.
Hope to visit again someday.


You are able to personalize your bed to provide a more comfortable sleeping experience:

Pillow Type
Background Sound
Air Flow


Customize to your need

You will receive a smart locker when you check-in to keep your things safe and sound.


Keep your things safe

Enjoy a hot shower to get refreshed. We provide high quality shower amenities and dyson dryers.


Relax and Refresh

Sliding curtains do not give sufficient sense of privacy; roller blinds are noisy and disturbing. Hence, we have invented a magnetic felt curtain that gives edge to edge coverage, full black out, lock mechanism and quiet operation all-in-one.


Make it Private

The light alarm imitates the sun rise, coming in slowly, with increasing intensity and blue spectrum light. Respecting our evolutionary traits, this alarm is the most natural way of waking up.The cycle continues to increase in frequency until the user wakes up.

Light alarm

Wake you gently

Once you book a slot online and pre-check-in, you will receive their ‘QR-key’ prior to your arrival. The key is only activated within 15 mins from the booking start time.

24/7 check-in

Smart Access


Convenient transportation. Minimalist interior design. Optimal sleeping experience.



E-Bike Rental 3hr (Fujinomiya)

E-Bike Rental 3hr

電動自行車 3小時


3000 JPY

Private Suite for Family + Friends

Private Suite for Family + Friends



A private floor with 1 Double Size Bed & 3 futon beds. This suite features private shower, balcony, washing+drying machine, air conditioning and an equipped kitchenette.



¥20,000 /NIGHT

¥20,000 /晚

¥20,000 / 宿泊

20,000~ JPY / night

SLPer® Capsule in Mixed Room of 6

SLPer® Capsule in Mixed Room of 6

6人混合房間內的SLPer® 膠囊床


A mixed 6-bed dormitory room with locker and shower facilities. Red-Dot Award-winning Capsules designed for good sleep.



¥4,000 /NIGHT

¥4,000日元 /晚

¥4,000 / 宿泊

4000~ JPY / night




Open in Google Map 於 Google Map 開啟
開啟Google Map で開く

Frequently Asked Questionsよくある質問常見問題

What daily necessities do we provide?



We will provide clean towels, cleanser, toner, body wash, shampoo, hair dryer and feminine capsules provide sanitary napkins. If you need a toothbrush or earplugs, you can purchase them in the add-on to your order. 我們將提供乾淨的毛巾、潔面乳、爽膚水、沐浴露、洗髮水、吹風機和女性膠囊提供衛生巾。如果您需要牙刷或耳塞,可以在下單時加購。 清潔なタオル、クレンジング剤、化粧水、ボディソープ、シャンプー、ヘアドライヤーを提供し、女性用カプセルには生理用ナプキンが備わっています。歯ブラシや耳栓が必要な場合は、オプションで注文することができます。

Can I store my luggage for a while after I check out?



Yes, you can leave your luggage at our store within 12 hours of check-out. 是的,您可以在退房後12小時內將行李留在我們的儲物櫃。 はい、チェックアウト後12時間以内であれば、お荷物を当店に預けることができます。

Was my booking successful?



If your reservation is successful, you will receive a pre check in email. If you didn't received the email please feel free to contact us. 如果您的預訂成功,您將收到一封預先入住的電子郵件。如果您沒有收到該電子郵件,請隨時與我們聯繫。 ご予約が成功した場合、事前チェックインのメールが届きます。メールが届かなかった場合は、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

Why my QR code cannot open the door?



Because our QR code can only be activated about 15 minutes before your check-in time, if you arrive earlier, the QR code will not be valid. 因為我們的QR碼只能在您入住時間前約15分鐘啟動,如果您提前到達,QR碼將無效。 QRコードはチェックイン時間の約15分前にのみ有効になるため、早く到着した場合はQRコードが無効になります。

If I have a multi-night booking, may I keep my things in my locker throughout my stay?



Of course, you are welcome to keep your belongings in your assigned locker throughout your stay. 當然,我們歡迎你在整個逗留期間將你的物品放在指定的儲物櫃里。 もちろん、ご滞在中はご自分の荷物を指定されたロッカーに保管しておくことも可能です。

How to make a booking?



For experiences that are available for booking, a large 'book now' button should be visible on the page. Simply click on that button and it should lead you to the booking flow. If a button is not available, the experience may not be available for booking yet. In any case, if you have any questions, feel free to write us an email at xo@exp.is 对于可供预订的体验,页面上应该有一个大的 "现在预订 "按钮。只需点击该按钮,它就会引导你进入预订流程。如果一个按钮不可用,那么该体验可能还不能预订。在任何情况下,如果你有任何问题,请随时给我们写电子邮件: xo@exp.is 予約可能な体験については、ページ上に大きな「今すぐ予約」ボタンが表示されているはずです。そのボタンをクリックすると、予約フローに移行することができます。ボタンがない場合、その体験はまだ予約できない可能性があります。ご不明な点がございましたら、 xo@exp.is までお気軽にお問い合わせください

What is XO?



XO stands for eXperience Officers. It is the special title we have defined for our team members who collaborative creates and operates the EXP.is. To learn more, please visit the Glossary page for XO. XO是eXperience Officers的縮寫。它是我們為合作創建和運營EXP.is的團隊成員定義的特殊頭銜。要瞭解更多信息,請訪問XO的詞彙表頁面。 XOとは、eXperience Officersの略称です。 EXP.isの制作・運営を一緒に行うメンバーに定義された特別な称号です。 詳しくは、XOの用語解説ページをご覧ください。