EXP. Glossary:



XO stands for eXperience Officer, an original job title by Space is Ltd. XOs are responsible for the user experience that spans across online and offline, visual, verbal and textual interactions. XOs are unique to experiences created / operated by Space is Ltd.: SLEEEP, FUUUN, DREEEM Lab, EXP. Journeys, EXP. Learning etc.
XOs are organised into regional teams, such as XO.hkg and XO.jp. Aligned with the organization mission, the region code is intentionally written in lowercase to de-emphasize the names, acting only as a functional tag to the more important and universal aspect of being an XO.
XO is an encompassing title, such as 'athletes', which could be further narrowed down into various 'specialities'. Within XO, the general operation staff are named directly as Xo, XO and XO+, depending on level of seniority, eXperience Designer (XD), eXperience Engineer (XE) and eXperience Communicator (XC). Despite the specialization, the general

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