eXperience Officer Protocol


The Manifesto

We are eXperience Officers –by that we embrace our own experiences, we cherish our one precious life and we love ourselves. From there, we bring this forward: We put love into the things we do: into the interiors and equipment we design, into the user interfaces and the data architecture we implement. But above all, we put love into our interactions with our users, face to face or via whatever channel it may be. While robotics are surely going to take up more and more of the burden of our everyday, tedious, repetitive work, and computers are, as we speak, exceeding us in many intellectual arena. X.O.s must recognize and celebrate our greatest asset — that we are human.

To be human is an infinitely powerful status to another human being. Our natural similarity - however easy it is sometimes to focus on our differences - gives us such a precious ability to connect with each other.

Despite the challenging hours and bad decisions that sometimes tear us apart, our eXperience Officer Protocol (XOP) is our common ground. We believe, that we shall embody 和 harmony、敬 respect、清 purity and 寂 humbleness, and upon this foundation, we celebrate our individual uniqueness; we shall celebrate diversity; we shall bring people together; and we shall bring love and peace to those lives we touch.

Once an X.O., always an X.O.

–xo Jun


Some users who get our emails, commented that they thought that the X.O. stands for hugs and kisses. That was not the intention, but it’s a good mistake. So now it has that meaning too!